By the end of the Five years of MBBS program at MUHAMMAD MEDICAL COLLEGE (aims to produce Medical graduates who are able to:

1. Recognize signs and symptoms of common illnesses in population of different ages from different settings, and provide cost effective treatment to alleviate suffering

2. Construct an integrated knowledge of organ, structure, function and its regulatory mechanism through integrated learning.

3. Generate competence in practice of holistic medicine, encompassing promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of common diseases.

4. Exhibit ethical patient-centred care based on Integrity, humility, social accountability and high ethical values of this sacred profession

5. Become an exemplary citizen by observing medical ethics and fulfilling social and professional obligations, responding to national aspirations.

6. Formulate management plan by taking focused history, performing physical examination, derive clinical decision making and evaluating laboratory tests, imaging investigations to interpret the results of common health ailments.

7. Counsel on health promotion to improve the health of individuals, and families including marginalized population.

8. Demonstrating professional behaviors that embody lifelong learning, altruism, empathy and cultural sensitivity in the provision of healthcare services.

9. Engage in research activity aimed at improvement of quality of health care including behavior modification of individual and community for quality life.

10. Developing scientific temper by acquiring continuous educational experience for proficiency in profession and promoting healthy living of the individual and population at large by critically analyzing the situation.

11. Commit to lifelong learning to keep up to date with developments in clinical practice and trends in disease at population level by strong leadership and management skills.

12. Applying evidence based practices for protecting, maintaining and promoting the health of individuals, families and community.